This week, I have gone back to Italy after spending three weeks at home with family and friends for Christmas/New Year, it's a bit of a change, and I wasn't really looking forward to coming back (because home is where its at) so am making a conscious effort to note down the little things that are making me happy in order to appreciate things more.
the view at sunset from my host family's terrace. |
1. Seeing the sunrise on the way to the airport in England.
2. Being greeted with grande abbraccio's (big hugs) and Peccatino's (little kisses) from my two little Italian boys - excuse my Italian spelling. And also the happy greetings from my host parents.
the boys and I in the autumn. |
3. Riding my bike again, gosh I do love my bike here! (and yes, there is a little seat for a 'bambino' on the back!)
my Italian bike. |
4.Making a friend in the English section of the Italian bookshop, we chatted about books and agreed to meet up for chats and coffee in the near future - yay! Plus, she was an au pair in Ireland a few years ago so speaks perfect english and knows how it feels to be an au pair and was just genuinely lovely.
5. The fact that my camera does Bokeh (blurry light effects) - so exciting + trying it out all the time.
6. Editing the wedding video I filmed a few weeks back, I'm so excited to share it with the happy couple and hear what they think.
a still from the wedding video. |
7. Wearing flowers in my hair every day, I love it, it always makes me feel cheerier. Except when my dad commented: 'I think you have a leaf stuck in your hair." - oh Papi
flowers in the hair. |
8. The market, happens twice a week in this city and is so easy and close and they have fresh delicious fruit + bright flowers and sell everything imaginable that you might need.
The bi-weekly flower market in the main square (maybe I can find some for my hair here?) |
9. The prospect of one of my best (+craziest) friends coming to visit and/or coming to Italy for adventure travels together! Yayayayayayay!
10. Listening to a lot of Lucy Rose, her voice is so gorgeous, go check out her music, pronto! I suggest: 'bikes', 'Middle of the bed' and 'Shiver' - they are my personal favourites.
I just need to remind myself that I am very lucky to be living in an Italian city and travelling around such a beautiful country + staying with a lovely host family. Being away from home is difficult, but it isn't forever and I need to enjoy myself and go on adventures and learn Italian all while looking after the sweetest of boys. I've got it pretty good, I do believe.
what made you happy this week?
Ellie xx
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