Monday 26 January 2015

Pink Mountains.

A new place means a new blog name, although this blog has a readership of around 3 and I don't post very often, it still needs to be relevant and 'Life of a Londoner' just didn't fit the bill anymore, it's now been nearly two years since I lived in London full time, and as of last week, I don't even live in the UK anymore so have decided on the name 'Pink Mountains' as suggested by S on a walk this week to represent the way that the sunset shadows hit the mountaintops here in Bozeman.

So it's official, I am now a student in the USA, in a little town nestled in the Bridger Mountain Valleys called Bozeman. I have been here for a few weeks now, acclimatising to the altitude, getting my classes sorted (nearly there) and sorting my life out (bank account, bike, foods, job etc).  

I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at times, missing my family, and the home comforts of the UK but I can't wait to get the adventure started and go on some travels, try skiing at least once, and make some friends, I have met a few people so far and everyone has been super friendly. There are plans this week to go skating on a frozen tennis court, go on a field trip to Butte, go to a canyon and even act in a couple of my classes which is not something I had thought I'd be doing but in the film program here, you are expected to act as well as direct/produce/film/write. I feel like I am really pushing myself though and I'm going to learn a lot. 

Bozeman is gorgeous and often sunny even in temperatures of around -10. Everyone here is so helpful, friendly and kind, and always willing to help you out. Main Street looks like a movie set and the historic district has these gorgeous houses still adorned with fairy lights from christmastime - they obviously don't have the superstitions that we do about Christmas decorations!

let the adventures begin!

Saturday 3 January 2015

A new adventure.

Blogging may be making a comeback over here as in a few days time, I am getting on a plane, leaving behind the homeland and 15 hours later, I will find myself in the depths of snow covered Montana. To live. For half a year. What!
Luckily, I have my favourite boy as a companion on this adventure which makes the whole process slightly less daunting and more exciting but still, it's gonna be strange and different and full of new experiences I am sure. 

I thought that maybe it might be an idea to document some of my adventures so I don't forget them as well as it will give me some sort of outlet for the shear amount of photos/videos I imagine I will take. 

The last two weeks or so have been full of family time, little adventures, seeing friends, moving, finishing up my freelance work and packing. It's been good, so much fun! But soon it will be time to hop on a plane and head for the USA now that I have my visa, my thermal socks and a suitcase that I could sleep in if I wanted to.

See you soon, Montana!

Photo taken in London last week!