Monday, 17 February 2014

A Snapshot: Sunny Sunday.

This weekend, the sun has finally re-appeared in the West Country after the storms that have been happening all week. I had a glorious lie-in which I really appreciated cause sleep is always good especially when we stay up until the early hours talking.

The morning was spent with my flat as one of my flatmate's parents have been visiting and they very generously decided to cook a roast for us which was delicious and so lovely to have a home cooked meal that I didn't make. Once we were suitably stuffed and had given some roses to the parents as a thank you, we had fun listening to old songs and catching up with a friend we don't see too often. 

After that, I met up with one of my best friends who lives next door to go for a photography walk, we walked about 4 miles in total and ended up right at the edge of Plymouth where the ferry leaves for Cornwall, we even found a welcome to Plymouth sign to pose by and even though we got a bit lost and didn't actually find the place that she was looking for, we had a great time along the way chatting, talking photographs and watching the sunset.

It was a really lovely way to spend a Sunday afternoon, and afterwards, we headed home for a bit of BAFTA watching, a quiz with all of the flat and a bit of socialising. The night ended with me falling asleep on the sofa at 3am and being rudely awoken by my flatmate throwing water at me, which escalated pretty quickly into a full blown water fight. Oh dear. But somehow, I still love 'em.

How was your Sunday?

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