Friday, 31 January 2014

The craziness of term 2....

Can't believe I have almost been back at uni for a month - seem to have packed so much into it already and have lots of exciting things coming up including an interview with a respective artist, some kayaking and rock climbing, assisting at a documentary shoot and spending some of my weekends being a university ambassador. 

I just wanted to share some photos from the last few weeks - think this has been the warmest January I have ever experienced and have had a lot of fun so far, it has felt good to see everyone again and get really busy with projects, assignments and having a social life. I do love living in Plymouth. I have just captioned each of the photos with a quick anecdote about each one. I will try to write a much more wordy post soon but for now, enjoy the picture heavy nature of this one!

Mum in my flat on my first night back - when I was the only person in my whole block cause no one else had got back yet, we had a wild night cleaning the kitchen up, it looked so good afterwards but that obviously didn't last long hehe....

A hell of a lot of coke - one of my flatmates brought back 52 bottles of coke from his work as they were out of date, but they tasted fine to us! We had fun searching through them to find each other's names - sadly there wasn't an Ellie though! 

An attempt at a flat photo - well at least of some of us! 

My two favourite boys here at uni, I live with them both at the moment and they never fail to make me laugh, I love them so much! :)

Receiving a huge box - and it being a new camera (600d ahhhhhh) thanks to university. Oh how I love being a media student, it does have its perks :) 

This was from the night where I got bumped on the head and ended up with a concussion - it was very much a cartoon style bump but luckily with the help of lovely friends and some frozen peas, that was soon remedied! 

The beauty that is this city - love how even when it's freezing and wintry you don't have to look very far to find beautiful things.

A whole load of selfies with one of my best buds here :) 

Face-timing my Grandma on her 80th birthday :) it was so lovely to see all the family even if it was virtually rather than in person - very thankful for modern technology - have hated missing all my family's birthdays this January and this helped me feel a little less homesick! 

Going skating with friends has been brilliant this January especially since the rink is so close that we can walk to it! One of the things I love most about this city, everything is within walking distance! 

This funny photo of me and W on the train a while back - aren't we beautiful? It makes me laugh every time I see it!

Walks to the shore on sunny days with the boys.

Stunning south coast sunsets, a few of the girls and I now have a tradition every saturday or sunday to walk down and see the sunset! 

That day in lectures when we were asked to blindfold each other and walk around uni....

And finally, meeting a very sweet little dog called buddy while filming a documentary for the art gallery! He was so friendly :) 

I hope you liked this disjointed little post, I wrote it while on a very long train journey home.