I spend my days making films, taking photographs, listening to passionate people talk about how much they love creating art in class and trying to keep on top of everything.
Nights are different, some nights will be spent dancing to 90s music surrounded by friends, others filled with laughter and movies, some spontaneous with a dip in the sea or a walk to see the sunset, others are work nights where we all stick our heads in our books and try to get things done. Sometimes there are water fights, or pranks or nerf gun wars and other times, I spent hours in the dark room developing films I have taken with a very patient friend. There have also been the very strange nights where we are stuck inside due to a burst pipe flooding our courtyard or the one time my flatmate and I spent the evening in A&E when he collapsed in the living room one afternoon (luckily he's fine now) - experiences like that really make me appreciate how much people have come to mean to me and how grateful I am about who I live with (for the most part hehe!)
I am loving it for the most part and that is mostly thanks to the little family I now have here, being the 5 people that I live with, the 4 across the hall and the 3 upstairs. They are the best companions for adventures and fun nights and I love them for it.
Special mention must go to the ones I am closest to for their friendship, support, comfort, hugs and giggles, I honestly don't what I would do without you, W, M, Z, G, L, E, A and S.
But at the same time. I feel bad for not making more effort to make friends outside my block, I only know a handful of people on my course and although they are lovely, I only hang out with 2 of them out of class. Oops!
Hopefully this will change as I am hoping to be more involved with things, now that freshers flu has passed and we are actually getting into the swing of things.
I am also feeling grateful to live in a city by the sea where I can walk down the road and be sat on the shore within ten minutes, listening to the waves roll across the shore and feel the worries go away a little.
I'm not even sure where I'm going with this post - just trying to jot down some memories before they fade because I'm loving this stage although its difficult and tiring and very strange, I think I'll stay.