Tuesday, 24 September 2013

A few things I would like to remember.

**Found this post sitting in my drafts and thought I would post it anyway even though it is now out of date.**

Walking into the bathroom one morning this week and finding one of our little cats curled up in the shower - isn't she just the cutest thing? 

Sunny summer evenings cycling to the pub on the hill, seeing the countryside laid out before you. I love being able to sit outside and chat while the sun goes down, in a place where there is yummy food to be eaten and drinks to be drunk.

Making the most of the location of my work, it is coming u to my last day (far too quickly I might add) and I realise that I may never work in such a well placed office ever - it is close to some many of London's biggest sights as well as many places I love such as Covent Garden, Green Park, The Royal Academy of Art, Tottenham Court road, Trafalgar Square so after work evenings have been spent meeting friends for Wahaca dinners, swimming in the secret outdoor pool down the road (who knew that there was an outdoor pool in Covent Garden), walking the long way back to the station so I can stop in the massive Waterstones in Piccadilly or the other huge one on Gower Street, and strolling down to the Southbank to watch the waves lap up against the shores of the city beach while taking in the buskers and the magic that is Friday night on the Southbank. As much I am ready to leave work, I will miss these evenings, where I get to see snapshots of the city and feel this great joy for this place as well as a bittersweet sadness that soon I will call another city home.

Swimming in the North Sea - it's a summer tradition and despite the water being chilled and green rather than a sparkling blue, it's still one of my favourite things, I love looking out and wondering what could be out there, who could be swimming in the opposite shore wondering the same thing.

Until next time.


Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Video: Bordeaux

Here is a little film, I made about our time in Bordeaux visiting my Aunt and her family! It was good fun, with sunset bike rides, afternoons sent in their pool (still can't believe that they have a pool in their garden - it's crazy!) and exploring the city. 


Monday, 9 September 2013

A week in my happy place: Suffolk.

For as long as I can remember, Suffolk has stuck out in my mind as a place that is happy, from childhood, where we would make the drive on weekends to my grandparent's house, the landscape changing through the car window from cityscape to rolling fields, from cars to cows, and it felt like entering a whole new world as a kid.

I still get the same excitement as we drive down the motorway towards the sea, for long days on the beach, the perfect homemade ice cream, the crunch of the pebbles beneath my feet, early morning walks, the sound of the waves rolling against the shore, bike rides through the woods, reuniting with our family and seeing old friends. 

This year, we got to spend a week in a small fishing town on the North Sea called Aldeburgh (where we also stayed last year and love!), despite being little, it oozes charm, has some lovely shops, friendly pubs and the Sea! 

I was lucky enough to get to invite along a friend so we spent our days rowing on the meare, going on sunset bike rides, swimming out to sea, trying out all the pubs, and meeting up with lots of friends and family and very cute little cousins (A, you really perfected your 'greeting of relatives that aren't related to you!), it was so much fun, from the sunset walks, to the card tournaments, kayaking in the evening looking out to sea and talking late into the night with wonderful people, it was so relaxing yet we did so much. It was happy and I'm so thankful for it. 

Love Eleanor.